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Real Estate

Don’t Panic, Mr Mainwaring!

Every time there is the remotest blip in the property market, the fortune tellers of doom come out from their caves to predict a housing market crash. And know what? It becomes an almost self-fulfilling prophecy because the media becomes awash with graphs depicting how house prices might fall, how buyer interest might drop off,…

Up For Sale? Here Comes Pinocchio…

So. You’ve plucked up the courage. You’ve invited those bloomin’ awful estate agents to come around and pick holes in your home of twenty years (oh, and that nice chap, the one with long grey hair, the one you decided to give the business to), and you are about to see your property go on…

First Time Seller? Help is at hand…

There seems to be no end to the advice you can find online for First Time Buyers: mortgage solutions, what to look out for when you’re out viewing properties, how the house purchase system works… But what about the next time around, when you decide to move on and become a First Time Seller? It’s…

Make your home smile … clean your windows!

The renowned photographer Saul Leiter is quoted as saying that he preferred looking at raindrops on windows to pictures of famous people, so I thought I’d give it a go. Now, it is true that I don’t really understand the whole “celebrity” thing. What makes someone who is able to make some money by singing…

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