Don’t Panic, Mr Mainwaring!

Every time there is the remotest blip in the property market, the fortune tellers of doom come out from their caves to predict a housing market crash. And know what? It becomes an almost self-fulfilling prophecy because the media becomes awash with graphs depicting how house prices might fall, how buyer interest might drop off,…
Before you ask, yes you can!

In the current climate, you might think that viewing a property that you’re interested in might be a tad difficult. Well, I have to be honest, booking appointments was certainly a lot easier before Covid-19 was a thing. I am trying to make sure we have a property film of everything we’re selling: a “video…
We need your help!

So, here we are, in our new office, enjoying the much shorter commute and – for the first time in thirty years – the pleasure of not having to join the rush-hour throng to and from work. Our relocation brings other benefits too. Even though we are looking to expand the area within which we…